8 Reasons Why Traveling Boosts Your Mental Health

8 Reasons Why Traveling Boosts Your Mental Health

There is a multitude of reasons to travel. As it turns out voyaging the globe is actually good for your overall mental health. Here are 8 reasons why traveling is good for your entire body, mind, and soul.

#1 – Traveling helps you get into a schedule

Keeping a daily schedule is a toiling process. Suffering from mental illness makes keeping an agenda extremely difficult. Trying to keep a regimented routine is extremely important while managing your mental disorder. Traveling can help with keeping a healthy schedule.

Vacationing for me resembles recharging a battery. I lose my routine and have trouble sleeping and the energy to complete my day. The depression and anxiety take over. That is when I know it is time for a vacation. When I arrive home from my trip, it is like I am a new woman. My functioning has been restored. I have new hope and a drive for another day.

Schedules have a positive effect on an array of mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and addiction. They boost your overall mood and helps relieve stress, enhance memory, and benefit your sleep.

Research studies link the relationship between sleep and mental health according to Harvard Medical School. The CDC recommends that adults get between 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Without getting enough sleep, it can have a negative impact on your health and life. Traveling helps you maintain a healthy sleep schedule. It forces you to set a bedtime and a time to wake up every day.

Traveling also motivates you to have a daily activity schedule. By following this schedule it reduces stress and anxiety. Even when bumps do happen, it keeps you focused and centered while solving problems that arise.

#2 – Traveling gives you a new perspective on life

While traveling you broaden your perspective with new cultures, customs, and history. It opens your mind to new things you never knew possible. Having this experience is truly breathtaking and helps you grow as a person.

Trying the food of the culture you are visiting really helps you submerge yourself with their history and customs. Trying new food also helps broaden your flavor pallet. Who knows, maybe you will find your new favorite cuisine or dish along the way.

Cusco, Peru

#3 – Independence and the feeling of accomplishment

Traveling forces you to interact with the locals and engage in communication. You learn how to ask for help when looking for directions or ordering a meal. Figuring out how to mingle with the people makes you have the feeling of self-accomplishment. Yes, you did it and could have lasting memories for your lifetime.

When stepping outside your comfort zone you become independent. You then can figure out the flow of the destination and culture. You learn how to get around and figure out how to use different means of transportation. All of this gives you that wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

Maintaining a set itinerary and schedule you put into place for the trip shows that you are proactive and self-sufficient. There is nothing more gratifying than spending time and energy into something and seeing it falling into place right before your very eyes.

#4 – Building relationships

Nothing tests a relationship like when traveling with someone. Traveling can be stressful and put you in situations you are not comfortable with. But when you travel with a buddy, it helps ease the stress by planning and going through the situations together. This will strengthen your personal relationship by traveling with your companion while constructing a lifetime of memories.

You need not travel with a companion to make lasting friendships. Traveling alone can be very rewarding and relaxing. Try something new try staying at a hostel. Or go to a group activity where you can meet new people from all walks of life. You might be surprised by what you have in common with them. By doing these things you can meet new people and build new friendships.

Fiddler On The Roof, Chicago, IL USA

#5 – Work through problems

What are you most afraid of? When you are at home do you ever go outside your comfort zone and try new things? Traveling allows you to do this. Climb to the top of a huge mountain, or white water raft down a treacherous river, you will be happy you did. Embrace your fears and uncertainties head-on. You will be amazed when you get home how much you have grown as a person. Learning not to be afraid of the unknown and to master that skill is important. It will help keep your stress and anxiety to a minimal level.

Problem-solving helps improve your positive views and feeling about yourself. Self-doubt will increase your anxiety and affect your daily life. Learn how to wake up each day and take life head-on. Whatever comes your way you will be ready for and find a solution. There will be nothing that you cannot accomplish.

#6 – Traveling helps relax the mind and soul

Have you ever stood by the ocean contemplating life? Seeing the ocean is an important activity to do in your lifetime. It makes us see how small we really are. Think of what lays beyond those crashing waves. By filling your life with a new understanding of the world around you, you find meaning and purpose in your life, which eliminates stress and depressive feelings.

Traveling also frees you from the mundane of life. It opens your mind to new possibilities that you never knew were possible. Living life every day like the day before, makes us forget what else is waiting for us out there. Reach out and see what you can find, you might be happily surprised.

#7 – Happiness through activities and experiences

Look for activities that enrich and excite your life. It could be as simple as stopping by a museum. Take in the rich history, success, and struggles of that culture. It can open your eyes to how the picture is bigger than what we see.

Building memories by doing things that bring happiness and joy will stick with you throughout your life. You will reminisce about the feelings you had while trekking the globe. When life has got you down just remember all of those wonderful memories you got through travel.

Canon City, Colorado USA

#8 – Exercise is good for the body and mind

Exercise is good for you. Mayo Clinic recommends people get at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity a week. Getting your recommended exercise has never been easier. Try tours, hiking or bike riding it will easily get you to your goal. Also, think of all the walking you are getting in while visiting your destination. There is commuting to and from your hotel and restaurants, why not try walking! That airport is larger than you think. Keep on walking, my friends.

Just go for it! Traveling will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It helps manage and regulate mental health conditions like bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and addiction. There is an entire world to see so get out there. Just remember we are all in this together!

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